Rain Won’t Clean Your Awning


Heavy build up of dirt from nearby airfield, busy commercial thoroughfare and years of not cleaning. The awnings were installed to provide needed shade to showrooms and add character to the shopping center but are now detracting from the image of the center due to their unkempt appearance.


Quarterly professional awning cleaning service.

I hear all the time, especially around winter storm season – how the rain will clean the awnings. Rain cleans fabric about as well as it cleans a dirty car. These before pictures were taken after the heavy rain storms in San Diego. Fabric that is not taken care of on a regular cleaning cycle, is likely to develop mold and mildew staining; especially during wet weather.  Not only does professional awning cleaning lengthen the useable life of awning fabric, but it also improves the overall appearance of storefronts.

07 Sep, 2023
Though COVID-19 has put many events on hold, with lifted restrictions right around the corner, it’s time to reconsider summer plans. People can’t wait to go out, socialize and put the past year firmly behind them- and what better way to do so than by hosting events in the great outdoors? Whether you want to take advantage of the changing weather or would like to showcase a jaw-dropping view, any outdoor gathering needs a party tent to help bring everything together. We can help you find great solutions for any event, here’s how!
07 Sep, 2023
Choosing the right awning for your business may sound like a straightforward process, yet it’s anything but. You need to consider much more than design elements. Having the right partners by your side can help streamline the process by ensuring that you’ll make the right decision for your business needs. As with any investment, there are several things for you to keep in mind, so let’s look at some of the details.
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